
Last chance Guru.

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 5th August's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Caspa and Rusko live at RAMPAGE 2016.

I went through Uni with this music, it re-ignited my DJing bug too. turn it up and dance like a madman.

2) Book of the week;

I can't think of any books to reccomend, how about you reccomend one to me? Add your suggestions into the comments below, thanks!

3) Quote of the week;

“Too soon old, too late smart." - Anon (Dutch)

4) Documentary of the week;

Last Chance U

It's a great documentary on Netflix at the moment. It follows a group of wannabe NFL players through a year at Junior College.

5) Thing of the week;

I Am Not Your Guru. It's a fascinating look into one of Tony Robbins' seminars, I challenge you not to cry.

Speak to you Monday.



Image found HERE.