
It's not a party if you don't have a 20 piece band.

Afternoon guys, here it is. Friday 9th September's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Finch - What It Is To Burn, Live.

2) Track of the week;

Hundred Reasons - Falter.

3) Quote of the week;

"It scratches the itch, but it doesn't make it go away"  - Anon.

4) Thing of the week;

Boso Drumsticks - High quality,] and good for the environment. Drummers take note, worth keeping an eye on this company and maybe treat yourself to some new sticks,

5) Gig of the week;

Year of the Yes presents: A Roaring Twenties Party - A 20 piece jazz big band and 20's costume, sounds awesome. 

Speak to you Monday,


(image courtesy of Jazz Colossus)