
The God Father of Soul Himself.

Afternoon guys, here it is. Friday 7th October top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

The GFOS himself, James Brown - Live in Kinshasa, Zaire - 1974.

2) Track of the week;


Instra:Mental - Watching You.

3) Quote of the week;

"In the long run, resilience always outperforms sheer strength." - Seth Godin

4) Article of the week;

Why Quitting Your Job To Travel Probably Won't Make You Happier

5) Gig of the week;

Sharkteeth Grinder and Loose Tooth live at The Garibaldi., Saturday 8th October, 8pm.


Speak to you Monday,


(blog image found HERE.)