tim ferriss

You're never going to arrive because you're already there.



1) Track of the week.

Dj Craze Hip-Hop & Trap Set - DJ Mag..

2) Video of the week.

3) Quote of the week.

"Wherever you go, there you are. You're never going to arrive because you're already there." - Seth Godin

4) Article of the week.

The Music a World-Class DJ Uses to Fall Asleep.

5) Gig of the week.

Garden + Support at Roadmender Northampton


Speak to you next Friday,


There's No Such Thing As A Protest Vote.

Afternoon folks, here it is. Friday 11th November's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

1) Video of the week.

Anieshi Pearl - Take Cover

Another great track and mega-original video. We've been lucky enough to have Anieshi on the podcast, you can check  that out here.

2) Track of the week.

DJ Yuto - 2016 DMC winning performance.

When I first started learning to scratch 16 years ago, that's where I wanted to be, at the DMC's. I'm so far off this skill level now, but it's inspiring me to get back to it. Musicianship mastery.

3) Quote of the week.

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” 

― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky (Stolen from Tim Ferriss blog).

4) Article of the week.

There's No Such Thing As A Protest Vote

It's an interesting article that made me question my own ideas, which is usually a good thing.

5) Gig of the week.

Blitz Festival - Lizzie and the Banshees/Venus Fly Trap/Attrition/Vuduvox/Pat Fish at The Charles Bradlaugn Saturday 12th November, 8pm.

Speak to you Monday,



Watch some of Northampton's finest, TONIGHT!

Afternoon folks, here it is. Friday 28th October top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Team Sleep - BLVD. NIGHTS - Woodstock Sessions.

2) Track of the week;

Mura Masa - Love$ick (featuring A$ap Rocky).

3) Quote of the week;

"“If you’re going to write a book, write a fucking book. - Michael Gerber, Author of The E-Myth Revisited.

4) Article of the week;

Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss

The latest book due for release in December, check out the free chapter he recently posted on his blog HERE.

5) Gig of the week;

Century City @ The Garibladi, Friday 28th October


Speak to you Monday,


(image found HERE)

I haven't seen you in 15 years...

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 12th August's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy

Her album Urban Flora is so good. I've had this on loop for a week now and I'm still not bored of it.

2) Book of the week;

A Change Is Gonna Come: Music, Race And The Soul Of America

A good friend of mine and music aficionado lent me this book and it took me ages to read it, I actually borrowed it for about 6 months (when I was flying back to see him again), but didn't read it until a month before. It really is an education on music  in the US, and then the world.

3) Quote of the week;

“Haste makes waste" - Tim Ferriss

4) Documentary of the week;

The Profit. - It's a great reality show where Marcus Lemonis (successful business guru) goes into struggling business' and invests time and money to get them into profit. Apart from the forced drama in some scenes it's a great insight into good business practice and also how people handle stress and attachment to their businesses. It's available online in full if you search for it, but don't go breaking pointless broadcasting/copyright laws.

5) Thing of the week;

Point 2 and point 5 were both recommended to me by friends living overseas. They both started new lives, new careers and are really making waves in there chosen fields. The fact that I can message them and have a response within 10 seconds is amazing, just think about that. 100 years ago that would have been a letter delivered by boat taking weeks, now it seconds and we can stream HD video instantly.

So, my thing of the week is instant messaging, it's a great way to connect with people near and far. I've re-connected with several school fiends over the last few weeks and messaging is such a convenient way to do it. So, message that old friend.

Speak to you Monday.



Image found HERE.

Boy George and a Navy SEAL.

Hey, here it is. Friday 1st July's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

VUKOVI - Boy George

A friend of mine (from the awesome band Wolfetone) recommended Vukovi to me, and they're great. They have plenty of stuff on YouTube, stick it in your Google hole.

2) Gig of the week;

DJ Andy Skank @ The Garibaldi.

Local Northampton hero Andy Skank will undoubtably supply a whole evening of music you can't help but dance too. It promises to be eclectic and soulful. Awesome local pub too (The Garibaldi). Get involved.

3) Quote of the week;

Work will work when noting else will work. - Shay Carl's Dad

I hear Shay Carl say this on Tim Ferriss' podcast. I like this, I feel that I don't have a particular talent or gift for any one thing, so I find reassurance in the idea that just working hard can get the same results.

4) Article of the week;

12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time.

As I frequently start and stop in my quest to learn a language, I always come back to Tim Ferriss' language learning tips. I'd reccomend starting here. Also, try Duolingo, it's a free, easy app to help you on your way.

5) Thing of the week;

Jocko Podcast

Jocko Willink is a former Navy SEAL and general badass, the type of guy that gets up at 4.30am and works out. His podcast is very motivational, if you can handle the pregnant pauses after every word that leaves his mouth. He also wrote a great book called Extreme Ownership, it's very good and is guaranteed to fire you into a more powerful future.

Speak to you Monday.


(Image found here.)

John Bonham, Tennis Elbow, the US Navy, Cory Henry and Girls. Go!

Hey, here it is. Friday 27th May's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Cory Henry - Tribute to Melvin Crisp.

I've only just discovered Cory henry, he's pretty damn good. There's also some great sessions on YouTube, google that shit.

2) Gig of the week;

This Is What Makes Us Girls

The Lab Saturday, 28th May, Northampton. This is a really interesting concept and the Fanny Pack DJ's are spinning too, get involved.


3) Quote of the week;

"The latest you can be is five minutes early." - Unknown

I heard this on a podcast, but I can't remember exactly who said it. I think it was someone that served in the US Navy, which makes sense. I consider punctuality to be very important, it's more of a point that I do what I say I will, wether that's meet at a specific time, or do a particular task, whatever really. Letting people down is not acceptable, we're all busy, It's disrespectful to keep people waiting.

"An unreliable man is not much of a man at all." Unknown (sorry).


4) Article of the week;

Phys Ed: An Easy Fix For Tennis Elbow?

I got this from Tim Ferriss (surprise, surprise), but I know a lot of drummers suffer with this and we could have found a cure. I bet you or someone you know has this problem, help them out and send them the link.

5) Thing of the week;

Lacrosse Ball

Use one of these to work out any sores, aches and pains. I regularly get back strain from DJ'ing (basically craning over the decks for a few hours). All you have to do is find the sore/strained muscle and lay on the lacrosse ball. Use google (some good info here) to find techniques on specific areas of pain, and don't hurt yourself. I'm not a doctor.


See you next week,


I've found the perfect title for your autobiography.

Friday 29th April's top five is;

1) Video of the week;

Billy Lockett - Burn It Down.

Billy is a local boy done good. His quality of work is fantastic, and after our chat on The Audio Works Podcast #29 it's clear to see he's well on the way to a fulfilling and hopefully successful career. Check him out and get his music.

2) Gig of the week;

The Jackall Nine EP Launch at The Black Prince.

The Jackall Nine EP launch is tonight. Stalkers Studio are heavily involved and any gig at what used to be the Racehorse is fine by me. Get down and support them.

3) Quote of the week;

"Everything's sh*t, so f*ck off." - Anon

I used to work in a call centre (like most of us) and a colleague said she'd call her autobiography this. It never fails to make me laugh.

4) Article of the week;

The Not-To-Do-List.

I must admit, I am something of a follower of Tim Ferriss. You can't deny his ability to break down daunting topics into something easy to understand and carry out. This article is a small example of that. Subscribe to his podcast for extra knowledge.

5) Thing of the week;

NASCAR on YouTube.

NASCAR upload their races in it's entirety a few days after each event on YouTube. I can't think of any televised sport or event that does that. It's great. I watch it from time to time and it's great that we get this much free access. I think a lot of other events can learn from this, rather than holding onto each event and releasing the DVD or subscription service. I'm more of a fan because of this than any other reason. Go NASCAR!


See you next week,
