It's not a party if you don't have a 20 piece band.

Afternoon guys, here it is. Friday 9th September's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Finch - What It Is To Burn, Live.

2) Track of the week;

Hundred Reasons - Falter.

3) Quote of the week;

"It scratches the itch, but it doesn't make it go away"  - Anon.

4) Thing of the week;

Boso Drumsticks - High quality,] and good for the environment. Drummers take note, worth keeping an eye on this company and maybe treat yourself to some new sticks,

5) Gig of the week;

Year of the Yes presents: A Roaring Twenties Party - A 20 piece jazz big band and 20's costume, sounds awesome. 

Speak to you Monday,


(image courtesy of Jazz Colossus)

Practice makes progress.

Practice makes progress

A good friend of mine and fantastic musician in his own right, Mark Ski commented that on a photo I posted on Instagram a year or two ago. I hadn't heard it before and it really stuck in my head.

We're fortunate to get many different types of bands at Audio Works. We also get varying abilities, from people with no experience, to lifetime musicians. This does mean that some of the rooms sound like a well oiled professional group and some like an after-school jam, BUT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THIS PLACE IS FOR. I love the fact that people have the drive to come and expose their weaknesses and work on them, it's great to hear the improvements. 

It translates to all walks of life too. Wether you're beginning a get fit programme, removing sugar from your diet, learning a language or have just become a new parent every second you practice something, you're learning and therefore making progress.

Tim Ferriss, someone that I mention almost on a daily basis has a great tool for learning, it's called 'The Four Hour Chef'. The book uses cooking as a vehicle to teach you different learning methods, which you can then apply to any other subject. It's helped me and hundreds of thousand of others, you can actually download the torrent of the book and bonus info for free, HERE. The hard copy is significantly more useful, particularly when trying out the suggested recipes.

So practice something and make some progress. Feel free to share some links to what you're working on at the moment in the comments.

Speak to you Friday.


5 ways to boost your procrastination!

Afternoon guys, here it is. Friday 2nd September's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Tinie Tempah - Vice interview.

2) Track of the week;

letlive. - Dreamers Disease - As usual, I was a late comer to letlive, but all three of their albums are killer.

3) Quote of the week;

"No one owes you anything"  - Anon.

4) Thing of the week;

Billions. Again, it took me 4 different reccomendations to actually give this a try and it's great. Deceit, corruption and Giamatti, what more do you need?

5) Article of the week;

Some powerful words from the great Brian Eno...


Speak to you Monday.


image found HERE.

It's basically the weekend already.

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 26th August's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Thrice - Black Honey

I saw these guys as a support to someone at The Roadmender in Northampton about 10 years ago. The singer mentioned how he was down to one pair of jeans as they ran out of money on tour. I had no idea that's how tight it can be, but it's true. GO SEE BANDS AND PAY FOR TICKETS.

2) Track of the week;

Boards of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children - Full album and it's a cracker. If you like it, buy it HERE.

3) Quote of the week;

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."  - Chinese Proverb

4) Thing of the week;

Arctic Breeze USB Fan. It's been hot this week.


5) Gig of the week;

Ale Festival! The Lamplighter is a great place, and so is Ale. They will definitley have music on all weekend too.


Speak to you Monday.



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Life on the Road

I went to see David Brent: Life On The Road on Friday. Now, I'm a crazy mental fan so I've been excited about this for months and at 12:25 on the 19th August, I bloody watched it.

It's extremely difficult to write a comedic song without it sounding like a limerick. The fact that Ricky Gervais used Andy Burrows and friends probably helps. The tracks themselves are really good, very catchy, well produced and expertly written. The jokes keep coming and there's lots of rewards for loyal fans too.

I think the film would work as a stand alone piece, but it's difficult to say from my perspective as I'm well aware of all the previous Brent.

I'd also thoroughly recommend watching the film if you're a musician. So many of the scenes were familiar to me, I wont give too much away, but if you've ever been in a band or performed live you'll feel some of the pain and frustration that's portrayed on screen.

So go and watch it, it's the only film i've seen where everyone in the cinema was laughing together, the music is decent too.


Speak to you Friday,




Image found HERE.

It's bigger than Hip-Hop.

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 19th August's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Incubus - Live, 1998.

2) Track of the week;

Dead Prez - Hip Hop. - I've yet to experience this being played anywhere and not getting a massive cheer. Put it on and turn it up.

3) Quote of the week;

“Competition makes you better." - Anon

4) Article of the week; - Marcus Lemonis.

This is the presenter of the show 'The Profit' that I recommended last week. He's an interesting guy, with a not so normal upbringing.

5) Gig of the week;

Faux / Future Love / Drinsipa - Garibaldi, Saturday 20th August.


Speak to you Monday.



Image found HERE.

You don't deserve it.

An acquaintance of mine had some creative success and I thought;

"You don't deserve it."

This raises a couple of issues. Firstly, why don't they deserve it? and secondly, who am I to decide who's worthy?

It made me really think about why I had that reaction, was it jealousy? Fear? Regret? Maybe all of them. I know it's a negative reaction and not something that's going to lead to a positive change in my life. I think it's a common reaction however, we hear of someone doing something desirable and we want it for ourselves, we then judge others based on that.

I think the correct reaction is 'good for you'. We don't really think that they should have it taken away, we really mean 'I want that too'. and there's no reason why we can't achieve whatever they have. Arguably, if we were on their track, if we had worked on the same things they had for the same time we'd probably have it too. We can all be successful, it's not them or us.

So, in summary, I need to be less selfish, we're all on our own paths and we can all get where we want to with time and work. I hope that's true and I think I believe it, the alternative is we're all going nowhere and it's a colossal waste of time, (in that case we better make it fun along the way).


Speak to you Friday,

- Josh.

image found HERE.

I haven't seen you in 15 years...

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 12th August's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy

Her album Urban Flora is so good. I've had this on loop for a week now and I'm still not bored of it.

2) Book of the week;

A Change Is Gonna Come: Music, Race And The Soul Of America

A good friend of mine and music aficionado lent me this book and it took me ages to read it, I actually borrowed it for about 6 months (when I was flying back to see him again), but didn't read it until a month before. It really is an education on music  in the US, and then the world.

3) Quote of the week;

“Haste makes waste" - Tim Ferriss

4) Documentary of the week;

The Profit. - It's a great reality show where Marcus Lemonis (successful business guru) goes into struggling business' and invests time and money to get them into profit. Apart from the forced drama in some scenes it's a great insight into good business practice and also how people handle stress and attachment to their businesses. It's available online in full if you search for it, but don't go breaking pointless broadcasting/copyright laws.

5) Thing of the week;

Point 2 and point 5 were both recommended to me by friends living overseas. They both started new lives, new careers and are really making waves in there chosen fields. The fact that I can message them and have a response within 10 seconds is amazing, just think about that. 100 years ago that would have been a letter delivered by boat taking weeks, now it seconds and we can stream HD video instantly.

So, my thing of the week is instant messaging, it's a great way to connect with people near and far. I've re-connected with several school fiends over the last few weeks and messaging is such a convenient way to do it. So, message that old friend.

Speak to you Monday.



Image found HERE.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I went to see Bostonian comic Bill Burr this weekend at the Eventim Apollo. I've seen him before and he's always hilarious. The ability to enthral a theatre full of people with just words amazes me, I struggle to tell one short anecdote to two friends.

Now, you always get hecklers, loud whistlers and chronic toilet breakers, and I find it difficult to ignore them and enjoy the show.

When it started I noticed that we had a guy a few seats away that maniacally laughed at the set-ups, not the punchlines, and rocked violently in his chair while whaling out these ill-timed laughs, he also took 4 toilet breaks meaning we had to get out our seats every twenty minutes or so. We also had a guy with an impressive wolf whistle, seriously, this thing was LOUD. It would have been more impressive if it hadn't been 12 inches from my ear.

Now, as this was happening I was very conscious that I shouldn't let other peoples behaviour affect mine or my enjoyment of the show, after all they're enjoying it in their own way too. Also, I really like Bill Burr, his Monday Morning Podcast is so entertaining, his new TV show F is For Family is also great (season 2 is being finished as I write this) and his appearances in Breaking Bad, New Girl and Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee are excellent.

It's the same with loud talkers at music gigs. It is difficult to not judge others by your standards, but when they are breaking the social norms (respecting the performers and fellow audience members) it's difficult to ignore. Admittedly, I don't know what the answer is here, whether you should have a word with them or ignore them and focus on the show, both are pretty crapy things to be made to do.

We tried to ignore them and we did enjoy the show, but it was undoubtedly disruptive.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.


Speak to you Friday,

- Josh

Image found HERE.

Last chance Guru.

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 5th August's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Caspa and Rusko live at RAMPAGE 2016.

I went through Uni with this music, it re-ignited my DJing bug too. turn it up and dance like a madman.

2) Book of the week;

I can't think of any books to reccomend, how about you reccomend one to me? Add your suggestions into the comments below, thanks!

3) Quote of the week;

“Too soon old, too late smart." - Anon (Dutch)

4) Documentary of the week;

Last Chance U

It's a great documentary on Netflix at the moment. It follows a group of wannabe NFL players through a year at Junior College.

5) Thing of the week;

I Am Not Your Guru. It's a fascinating look into one of Tony Robbins' seminars, I challenge you not to cry.

Speak to you Monday.



Image found HERE.

Adam Buxton is my legal high dealer.

"Variety is the splice of rice." - Adam Buxton

Powerful words from Dr. Buckles there, and some great words to heed. I'd also reccomend listenting to his podcast, you can find it here.

I've been listening to some music outside of my favoured genres this week and it's been great. I've had some Trap (Mura Masa pictured below), some dancehall and some house and the change of pace is really interesting. I tend to listen to a lot of Rock and Metal, from Jimi Hendrix to Periphery, but listening to some modern EDM sub-genres has been somewhat up-lifting. I've been more energised and with the addition of a large coffee my productivity has been off the charts.

Obviously, that isn't sustainable, it doesn't take much caffeine to give me the jitters and send my heart into erratic rhythms, which really stresses me out. I've found that the right music can give me that same energy boost, without the come down. It's something worth testing.

In this week Audio Works Podcast I spoke to Kate Williams about Yoga and the use of music within each session and it's the same principle. It's supposed to aid the task (yoga movements and meditation), without drawing too much attention to itself. That's what music can do, sometimes it's about listening to and analysing the music, and sometimes it's a soundtrack. Choose your soundtrack wisely and it can really help.

Speak to you Friday,


(Image found here.)

Yippie-kay-yay, Mr. Falcon!

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 29th July's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around with whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Mura Masa - Lovesick Fuck - I've only just discovered this artist, it's a whole new genre to me, but I really like it. It's re-ignited the production bug in me too.

2) Book of the week;

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today - If you like the TV show, you'll love the book. Every sentence is a hilarious quote. The fastest I've finished a book, ever.

3) Quote of the week;

“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.” - James Cameron

4) Documentary of the week;

Grizzly Man - It's a fascinating documentary about someone that's clearly got more going on in there head than they are letting on. Directed by Werner Hertzog.

5) Thing of the week;

Distraction Pieces Podcast. - It's a great show, and with over 100 episodes you're sure to find a few to get you on your way. The Drunkcasts are also hilarious.

Speak to you Monday.



Image found HERE.

This town is dead.

"There's nothing to do in this town."
"Northampton is shit."
"I'm going to London"

These are all things i've had said to me about the town that I live in (said by people that have made no attempt to change their situation). I have no illusion that there are other, more diverse, more lively places in the world but if you're chasing the 'best' place to be;

a) You'll never find it and (the 'best' anything is temporary and constantly evolving).

b) All the time you spend moaning would be better spent creating.

I'm a firm believer that I am in control of my life, it doesn't just happen to me. Obviously some things are uncontrollable, but certainly in terms of things to do, it's down to me. We all get bored, but it's what we do with that time that can really make the difference.

I read an article about Tyler Perry (a very successful actor, producer, director, screenwriter, playwright, author, and songwriter) about how he had achieved his goals, and one of the things he said was;

"Stop wasting time on TV, games, dumb stuff & people. If a person doesn't have a plan... move on!"

That really resonated with me. If TV and games are my goal, then obviously it's all good, but those things don't get me where I want to go. If i'm not where I want to be, then doing anything other than chasing that is wasting time. If I don't work on it I wont get it. It doesn't matter what my goal is, whether that's money, relationships or expertise it all requires work. Playing Glastonbury festival requires plenty of rehearsal, has anyone ever played Glastonbury with zero practice?

I talk about quotes a lot, I think it's because my mind constantly wonders towards 'what are you doing with your life, you should be doing better/more' territory, so the occasional kick in the butt really helps me. As soon as I think I want to sit in front of the TV or eat that massive chocolate bar I ask myself 'Is that how I get what I want?', the answer instructs me what to do next.

That helps me, maybe it can help you, it's worth a shot.


Speak to you Friday,


image found HERE.

Basically, the keys to everything you've ever wanted.

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 22nd July's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around to whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Francis and the Lights - Friends ft. Bon Iver and Kanye West


2) Book of the week;

AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur's Take On Leadership, Social Media and Self-Awareness.

This is an excellent book, and so much that applies to more than just business. I listened to the audiobook. I only listen to audiobooks now, partially as I can do it while walking or doing other walk, and also as you can listen to it on 1.5x speed, meaning you can get through it much faster.


3) Quote of the week;

"Excuses, on the other hand, are merely fear out loud." - Seth Godin.

4) Documentary of the week;


It's a very interesting documentary on the fixie/messenger scene in New York. I bet you want to buy a fixie when you're done.

5) Thing of the week;

Audiobooks. Audiobooks are my thing of the week. Book read by the author are better as no-one knows the material like they do. Also, you can listen to them whilst doing other things, and with the 1.5x speed playback feature you can really rattle through them. Audible actually do introductory offer to get you going, so worth the free trial either way.


Speak to you Monday.


image found HERE.

5 tips for a most-powerful weekend!

Hey folks, here it is. Friday 15th July's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Feel free to share it around to whomever you think appropriate!

Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

Hundred Reasons - Silver, live.

I always prefer the live videos, that's what the music is supposed to be, not polished, auto-tuned and quantised. I love this band, they were important in my formative years. Every album was ace. This track is featured on the album Ideas Above Our Station.

2) G̶i̶g̶ Show of the week;

Soundbreaking on Sky Arts.

Excellent insight into the evolution of recording, a great history lesson in music. Highly recommended.

3) Quote of the week;

“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

4) Documentary of the week;

It's got to be Anvil. It's a heartbreaking and heart warming story about a metal band started in the 80's. Some real good lessons in there too.

5) Thing of the week;

Sleep Master - Sleep Mask

I'd always though sleep masks were for long plane journey's and old people, but I was wrong. This one in particular goes over your ears, so if you live in a loud and bright town centre (like me) you can get a good nights sleep. Not cheap, but worth every penny. 

Speak to you Monday.


Local Business

Support local business!

Support local business is a phrase we hear quite a lot. We're told to shun the national and international faceless giants and help our local community. It can be hard to do, especially as the larger companies can often be quicker and cheaper. Also, while these larger companies can be somewhat robotic and soulless the people that work there are friends and family, and we wouldn't want them out of a job.

Why should we support local business?

I firmly believe in spending time and money with local business', that's partly as I am a local business owner, and I know how important local support is, but also, I find the level of service is always higher. Ultimately, if you're business is good enough you will survive. It's very rare that a great business doesn't stay open and that's part of the challenge of running one. It's your job to get enough customers to thrive, and if they don't show up it's not their fault, it's yours.

That is why local businesses have a high level of service, it matters directly to the staff that it thrives, there's no other branch that can buffer the losses of bad sales, if the money isn't made, you don't get paid. In a small business there is no guarantee that you're getting paid that month, often the last person to get paid is the business owner, ask any of them how long they were open before they started paying themselves, you'll be surprised.

So, use the local coffee shop rather than Starbucks, buy the locally brewed beer rather than the cheap mass produced lager, go to your local independant gym rather than the local globo-gym. If your in Northampton I can point to many local alternatives that offer superior quality, feel free to ask.

Speak to you Friday,



Image found HERE.

Ghosts, knockouts, foxes, problems and snakes.

Hey, here it is. Friday 8th July's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

The Ghost Of A Thousand - Fed To The Ocean

I'm a big fan of GOAT. They have lots on YouTube, worth searching it out.

2) Gig of the week;

Fox Chapel // Breeze // Violetec @ The Garbaldi.

Three shoegazey bands from around the country. You will not be disappointed, if you can get in the door.

3) Quote of the week;

"We've all got fucking problems mate" Anon.


4) Documentary of the week;

The Resurrection of Jake The Snake


I was a fan of the WWF when I was a kid, but stopped watching it about 15 years ago. It's still a massive industry and it's coming to light that, similarly to the NFL, these guys that put they're bodies on the line for so long are paying the price later in life. It's a great watch, both upsetting and uplifting, but throughly enjoyable.

5) Thing of the week;

UFC 200. You might love the sport and already know about it, or you hate it and think it's barbaric. We are at such an interesting point with the UFC, it's one of very few 'new' sports that has it's level of popularity and the 200th event will be a big one, worth watching if only for the spectacle.

Speak to you Monday.


How to have the perfect band rehearsal.

We've had a fair few bands through our doors at Audio Works Rehearsal Studio, over 5,000 rehearsal slots in the last 5 or so years. We've learnt a lot about how different bands rehearse and now you can too...

The shortest rehearsal we've had was 30 minutes, the longest was 6 hours. The smallest band was one person, and the largest was seven.

Top 5 most common practices;

  1.  2 hours average duration.
  2. Average of 4 band members.
  3. 1 ten minute break.
  4. First half jamming or writing.
  5. Second half set run through.

It does seem that the bands that rehearse for 3+ hours get more rehearsal time, particularly as they tend to stay in for the duration of the slot, rather than having several breaks. Perhaps it's that 3 hours is more of a commitment, therefore the attitude is get in the room and get the work done. It's not clear why, but obviously with more rehearsal comes more productivity.

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book outliers, posed that it takes 10,000 hours to achieve mastery in any field. That's 13 years of two hours music rehearsal a day. Obviously, you don't have to be a master to play music and have fun, but the more you know, the more you can do.

In summary, It's important to find the best way your particular band works well. I also think it's important to push yourself, and try out new things. I've been to many rehearsals with a less than perfect attitude. If I had pushed myself a little more, tried a new style/technique to further my musicianship I definitely would have benefitted from it.

Ultimately, I think you need find your way, find your preferred style, but push the limits a little to help yourself grow. I'm trying to do this with my own pursuits and it certainly seems to be working.

Speak to you Friday.


p.s. How long is your band practice? Do you have any band rehearsal rules? Let us know in the comments.

Boy George and a Navy SEAL.

Hey, here it is. Friday 1st July's top five. It's my consolidated list of all things awesome this week. Here we go;

1) Video of the week;

VUKOVI - Boy George

A friend of mine (from the awesome band Wolfetone) recommended Vukovi to me, and they're great. They have plenty of stuff on YouTube, stick it in your Google hole.

2) Gig of the week;

DJ Andy Skank @ The Garibaldi.

Local Northampton hero Andy Skank will undoubtably supply a whole evening of music you can't help but dance too. It promises to be eclectic and soulful. Awesome local pub too (The Garibaldi). Get involved.

3) Quote of the week;

Work will work when noting else will work. - Shay Carl's Dad

I hear Shay Carl say this on Tim Ferriss' podcast. I like this, I feel that I don't have a particular talent or gift for any one thing, so I find reassurance in the idea that just working hard can get the same results.

4) Article of the week;

12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time.

As I frequently start and stop in my quest to learn a language, I always come back to Tim Ferriss' language learning tips. I'd reccomend starting here. Also, try Duolingo, it's a free, easy app to help you on your way.

5) Thing of the week;

Jocko Podcast

Jocko Willink is a former Navy SEAL and general badass, the type of guy that gets up at 4.30am and works out. His podcast is very motivational, if you can handle the pregnant pauses after every word that leaves his mouth. He also wrote a great book called Extreme Ownership, it's very good and is guaranteed to fire you into a more powerful future.

Speak to you Monday.


(Image found here.)

How to cure jealousy in one easy step.

I recently saw a friends band play Glastonbury, half of me was cheering them on and half of me was jealous, which is wrong.

I've had that reaction before, I went to see another friend play guitar in a band to 10,000 people as part of a world tour. I was so inspired and proud that he was living his dream. Although I couldn't help feeling a little jealous. It stems from the feeling that I could be doing that, but through my actions I took a different path. His position seemed more exciting, more valuable, therefore I feel I may have made the wrong decisions, which is a difficult feeling to deal with.

I think that I'm doing a good thing with my life. I am fairly confident that what I have dedicated this portion of my life to is going well, and I give it my all, but I must admit I do tend to compare myself to other people and inevitably fall short (wether that's highly successful musicians, athletes or business people). I compare myself to people further down their road than me, rather than people at my level or just getting started.

"Compare, despair"

- I heard Ari Shaffir say this although I think it originates from Alcoholics Anonymous

If, for example you compare yourself to Keith Richards, you'll fail. You can't be Keith Richards, because he is Keith Richards. You can be a version of you that has dedicated yourself in the same way, you can be a similarly skilled/experienced person, rather than a copy of someone else.

I think it is that simple, If I had dedicated myself to those pursuits, I would be doing similar things. I have dedicated myself to this pursuit, and hopefully I have 50+ years left to do whatever I feel. I can't be everything all the time, so I must learn to focus on what I want to do and do it, and for now, I am.

So, I need to learn to not be jealous. I need to think 'good for them for doing what they're doing'. We're not comparable, it's apples and oranges. We're on different journeys, if i'm on the wrong path, now is the time to stop and get on the right one, otherwise, keep on keeping on.

Speak to you Friday.


(Cover image found HERE.)